Three Factors That Made the American Dream Possible

Three Factors That Made the American Dream Possible

The American Dream was made possible by three factors that were conducive to prosperity, peace, and opportunity.  Here are the three main geographic, economic, and political factors:

First, the United States has a large land mass under one government. This was a thankful outcome of the successful reunification that occurred after the Civil War. This unification was solidified by the same language, which makes communication easier than, say, Europe. Interstate commerce laws made trade between states easier. A common monetary system also contributes to interstate trade.

Second, America has benign neighbors. That's partially due to geography. Canada's climate is too cold and Mexico's is too hot to create powerful economic threats. 

Third, abundant natural resources feed U.S. commerce. These include oil, rainfall, and plenty of rivers. Long shorelines and a flat terrain ease transportation.  The United States is a prime example of how natural resources boosted the economy and gave the nation a head start toward garnering its present global stature. 

These conditions allowed a diverse population to become a competitive advantage. U.S. companies use it to become more innovative. They have a large, easily accessible test market for new products.

At the same time, the diverse demographics allows innovators to test niche products. This American “melting pot” generates more innovative ideas than a small, homogenous population would. America’s success may also be attributed in part to having the benefits of cultural diversity.

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